The members of my wife's bridge club were exchanging stories of
their days camping with their families in the 1950's. Each
related how they remembered the primitive conditions like
gathering wood, pumping well water and carrying it to the
campsite, using an outhouse, and so forth.
Finally one woman asked my wife, who was raised in rural
Montana, if she had ever done any camping.
"Oh, no, we didn't bother," she replied. "We had all those
inconveniences at home."
their days camping with their families in the 1950's. Each
related how they remembered the primitive conditions like
gathering wood, pumping well water and carrying it to the
campsite, using an outhouse, and so forth.
Finally one woman asked my wife, who was raised in rural
Montana, if she had ever done any camping.
"Oh, no, we didn't bother," she replied. "We had all those
inconveniences at home."