Wednesday, 23 January 2013


I remember one time I told my doctor
I had a ringing in my ears. 
His advice:
"Don't answer it." 
My doctor sure has his share of nut cases.

One said to him, "Doctor, I think I'm a bell."
The doctor gave him some pills and said, 
"Here, take these -
If they don't work, give me a ring."
Another guy told the doctor that he thought 

he was a deck of cards.
The doctor simply said, 
"Go sit over there. I'll deal with you later." 
When I told my doctor I broke my leg in two places,

He told me to stop going to those places.
You know, doctors can be so frustrating.

You wait a month and a half for an appointment,
Then he says,
"I wish you had come to me sooner."

Courtesy: Martha Northrup

Tuesday, 22 January 2013



Let me tell you about my doctor
He's very good! If you tell him you want a second opinion, He'll go out and come in again
He treated one woman for yellow jaundice for three years
Before he realised she was Chinese.

Another time, he gave a patient six months to live.

At the end of the six months, the patient hadn't paid his bill,
So, the

doctor gave him another six months

While he was talking to me, his nurse came in and said,

"Doctor, there is a man here who thinks he's invisible."
The doctor said,
"Tell him I can't see him."
Another time, a man came running in the office and yelled,
" Doctor, doctor! - my son just swallowed a roll of film!"
The doctor calmly replied, "Well let's just wait and see what develops."
Courtesy: Martha Northrup

Monday, 21 January 2013


A long time ago, a visitor from out of town went on a tour
of Manhattan. At the end of the tour they took him to the
financial district.

 When they arrived at Battery Park, the
guide showed the visitor some nice yachts anchoring there
and said, "Here are the yachts of our bankers and

"And where are the yachts of the investors?" asked the naive

Courtesy: ArcaMax Jokes.