Judge: Why did you hit your husband with a chair?"
Wife: "I couldn't lift the table."
"What did one ghost say to another?"
"Do you believe in people?"
My friend has a fine watch dog.
At any suspicious noise he wakes the dog and the dog begins to bark.
They call our language the mother tongue
because the father seldom gets to speak.
"Room Service? Can you send up a towel?"
"Please wait someone else is using it."
Wife: "I couldn't lift the table."
"What did one ghost say to another?"
"Do you believe in people?"
My friend has a fine watch dog.
At any suspicious noise he wakes the dog and the dog begins to bark.
They call our language the mother tongue
because the father seldom gets to speak.
"Room Service? Can you send up a towel?"
"Please wait someone else is using it."